For decades, geologists and other scientists have drilled deep underground and conducted experiments in research laboratories. Today, Nagra states with confidence: we have identified the best site. We have a suitable rock and a robust disposal concept. In other words: we can construct a safe deep geological repository for Switzerland’s radioactive waste – if Switzerland wants us to. The results of this research were incorporated into the general licence applications that Nagra submitted to the federal authorities in November 2024.
Yet we wonder: what else is needed in addition to the technical and scientific facts? What visions, fears and hopes does the Swiss population associate with the project of the century of deep geological disposal? Moderator Hannes Hug put these questions to a wide range of people, from former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard to environmental ethicist Anna Deplazes and author Thomas Meyer; from futurologist Jeannie Schneider to filmmaker Edgar Hagen and waste historian Roman Köster. We transcribed extracts of these ten podcasts and added dozens of voices from the public that we received via our social media channels over the past few months. The opinions are diverse – as diverse as our country – and not everyone views the repository project and Nagra in a positive light.
We must address all unresolved issues and criticisms in the coming years because the decision to construct a deep geological repository in Nördlich Lägern will not be made by Nagra but by the Federal Council, Parliament and, should a referendum be held, ultimately by the Swiss electorate.
This magazine is intended to offer a foretaste of the discussion in store for us all and acts as a sort of informal addendum to the actual general licence applications. We also call it “the magazine addendum”. You can listen to the full interviews on the German page of the website ( or through your favourite podcast provider.
Patrick Studer, Nagra’s Head of Communication